Lord’s Prayer Petition 5

Lord’s Prayer Petition 5

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those that sin against us.

Is this how you see forgiveness:



(You don’t have to pay to preview this video.)


Or is it more like this:

Notice that our forgiveness is intimately linked to the forgiveness that we pass on to others.

The forgiveness that God already is prepared to issue for us is the same attitude we should have for others who anger, frustrate or hurt us. Our first inclination might be to call them names, hurt them, or stop communications, but Jesus shows us a more difficult and better way.

Surely, Jesus is the King of the Hill in the forgiveness department and no one is close to topping him, but there are many fine examples of Christians choosing forgiveness when the wisdom of the world cries out for vengeance and retribution.

How many can you think of? When were times that you were able to forgive? Are there people that you still need to forgive? If you use the other translation of debts and debtors: who do you owe or who owes you?

Colossians 3:13; Matthew 6:14-15; Luke 17:3-4; Ephesians 4:31-32; 1 John 1:9; Isaiah 43:25-26

Note of loving protection: accountability is still necessary and God requires us to be honest and transparent about our wrongs and those of others that are serious violations of God’s good and loving Way. Abuse is all forms requires treatment and separation from the innocent. Forgiveness should also not be requested so that harmful behaviors can just be repeated. Recognizing how costly it is for grace and forgiveness to be given is essential and we make it cheap and almost worthless when we just keep going on a willfully disobedient path.


Pastor Fitch

Lord’s Prayer Petition 4

Lord’s Prayer Petition 4

“Give us this day our daily bread.”

Read Luther’s explanation of this petition (a little more there than I touch upon in the video).


Come Lord Jesus be our guest.

Let this food (or these gifts) to us be blessed.

Come Lord Jesus you are our bread.

May all the world be clothed and fed. Amen.

This is an old German Table prayer with an extra verse that I received a number of years ago from Lutheran World Relief. I went to their site to check the wording and was blessed with this video.  See how our sharing, our generosity makes God’s good changes happen!


Psalm 136:1  “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: For His steadfast love endures forever.”



Pastor Fitch

Small Catechism The Lord’s Prayer Petition 2

Small Catechism The Lord’s Prayer Petition 2

“Your Kingdom come.”

What does heaven look like?

How is that the same or similar to God’s Kingdom coming?

The Revelation to John is the book of the Bible that gives us the most insight into these questions (and some serious confusions). It should be read as a revealing of a mystery. It describes interpretation of things that have taken place and a perspective into the future.

Readings:  Revelation 7 & 21 (to name a few). Of course, be sure to read Luther’s explanation in this part of the Small Catechism.

A couple important notes:

Apocalypse means revealing or revelation.

God intends on making a new heaven and a new Earth. Heaven comes down. God’s Kingdom is being established here by us. God intends to make all things right through us and the overwhelming of God’s grace, light, and goodness.


for those who so desperately need all the good things of God to overtake the sufferings in their little corner of the world.

for those who are unsure of the majesty and mystery of God, that they may come to believe in the one true God.

for ways that we can expedite God’s kingdom to come in our time.

Small Catechism:  The Lord’s Prayer Petition 3

Small Catechism: The Lord’s Prayer Petition 3

Which video do you prefer?


“Your will be done. On earth as in heaven.”

We want God’s will to be done, but in our time and the way we want it. We might like slo-mo videos to see the little bits of action that our mind can’t quite catch, but we would rather a long journey be on high speed time lapse!

I have found that the first part of this petition is an excellent small prayer piece to work against pride and to build up submission to God’s good and holy work.

It is a great challenge in a world that so fully rests on our own pride, accomplishments, awards, etc.–to turn over active control to God.

In what things, activities, and relationships could you see God’s will working a different resolution or reconciliation? Are there frustrations because things are not working the way you think they should? Pray this portion again, focusing on openness to what God has in mind for you and the situation.

Be patient. Often we don’t see God’s work at first. Often, the way God works may not be the way we want or what we expect. God is good, though, all the time!

Readings: Job 9:1-12

A few psalms, randomly chosen should help you tap into waiting on God’s will and timing.


Pray for God’s will to become clearer for you, for it to be done in you, for God’s will to be done through you.

Sky Study: Lord’s Prayer Petition 1

Sky Study: Lord’s Prayer Petition 1

Read Luther’s explanation of the First Petition of the Lord’s Prayer in the Small Catechism.

The High priestly Prayer – John 17 is a good connection with hallowing the Name of God and prayer for the purpose and mission of God’s Name to be fulfilled and fruitful in the world.

Pray the Lord’s Prayer with mindfulness to those who should honor and respect the Name of God and all the good work that God is doing in the world.

Go out and do something to hallow God’s Name!

Sky Study: Lord’s Prayer Intro

Sky Study: Lord’s Prayer Intro

How we start our prayers is important!

[Read the explanation in the Small Catechism]

How do you address God?

Yes, there is a connection here to the Second Commandment. A proper use of God’s Name is prayer. Much like you would call out to a parent for them to hear you or help you with something, so a good prayer starts.

The word the Jesus uses for “Father” is “Abba” which is the casual and loving Greek term, not the formal “Pater.” So, this best translation would be Dad, Daddy or Papa. It is necessary to be sure that this emotive connection is there, even if the formal word is used. If it is the wrong word, why do we use “father”? Many teachers wanted students learning the Lord’s Prayer to use an address that had a nuance of respect and recognized authority. It should not be too hard for us to acknowledge that we frequently have a hard time with what Jesus says and shift it to be closer to what we think is acceptable.

Still, the opening is important. If this is our loving and casually close God that is our daddy or papa in heaven, then what can we pray for? What will our Daddy withhold from us? This is a critical component of the incarnation–the chosen closeness and intimate love of our God, coming into our lives. Jesus becomes our brother and gives us permission to address God properly.

Have you ever known someone that, after introductions, said something like, “Oh, please call me Murphy, I don’t use my first name with my friends.” –how would that person feel if you then called them by their first name in a formal manner? Isn’t it an act of accepting and initiating a relationship to call someone how they want to be called? Should we address God as the loving and close Daddy that He is.

Matthew 7:7-11

Luke 11:5-13

Luke 12:32

Pray for those who do not know how to pray to or address God.

Pray for those who have difficult, conflicted, or non-existent relationships with their earthly father and might find it hard to think of the Heavenly Father in a positive way.

Pray for those who have grown distant from God, barely remembering or hardly using the Lord’s Prayer–that they may turn back and become close again with their heavenly Papa.

Small Catechism- Apostle’s Creed Article 3

Small Catechism- Apostle’s Creed Article 3

The Holy Spirit

Read the Third Article of the Apostle’s Creed on the Holy Spirit and Luther’s Explanation of “What does this mean?” in the Small Catechism.

Thanks again to the Catechism students for their work in preparing the video.  (With a high five to Madison for the video compiling.)

Take a look at the birth of the church in Acts – the first few chapters.

In what ways have you seen the Holy Spirit active in your life?  How can we see something that is typically invisible?

Those of you that are older might remember a time when this person of God was called the Holy Ghost–how is that less preferable? Do you believe in unholy ghosts and spirits? Why should you or what power do they actually have?

Considering all the things that Luther itemizes as the work of the Holy Spirit – what does that leave us to do?

How can you be a better “conduit” or vessel for the Holy Spirit?

Small Catechism 2:2 Second Article of the Apostle’s Creed

Read the Apostle’s Creed (specifically the “I believe in Jesus Christ…” section) and Luther’s Explanation in the Small Catechism. Link to PDF: Martin-Luthers-Small-Catechism

Discussion and thought questions:

Who do you root for?

What is precious to you?

(connecting to Jesus purchasing us not with silver and gold but with his precious blood and innocent suffering)

What images or scenes describe Hell for you?

What does it mean that Jesus saved, redeemed, and rescued you from Hell?


Pray for those who have a hard time believing in a God they cannot see.  Ask God to use you to make God more visible.



Small Catechism 2:1 First Article of the Apostle’s Creed

Read the Apostle’s Creed first and Luther’s explanation for the first Article.

Genesis 1 and John 1 are good texts for starters.

If you are more than familiar with these texts, there are loads of Psalms that give glory to God as creator:

8, 19:1, 33, 50, 74, 89, 90, 100:3, 102:25, 104, 115, 119:73&90-91, 121:2, 124:8, 134:3, 135, 136, 139:14, 146, 147, 148

Either read just Psalm 8 or randomly pick a verse and repeat it and let it be a prayer of thanksgiving for God making you and all that is around you and everywhere.

Peace and Love in Christ

Pastor Andrew Fitch